As healthcare providers, we always look for ways to enhance our services and provide comprehensive patient care. One unique service that can be offered through your surgery is the Channel Swim Medical Certificate. This certificate is a comprehensive health examination required for individuals who wish to take on the challenge of swimming the English Channel.
A GP practice can offer a Channel Swim Medical Certificate service as part of its wider offering. This involves conducting examinations and tests, including assessments of the swimmer's ears, sinuses, nose, throat, chest, cardiovascular system, urine, joints and limbs, and nervous system.
In addition to these examinations, the doctor's surgery can provide additional services such as conducting an Electrocardiogram (ECG) for specific swims that require it or if an extra level of safety is desired. The surgery can also handle any follow-up queries or issues arising after the medical examination. For those that don’t offer ECG services the doctor can refer the patient onwards via the free of charge Odycy referral platform.
Offering Channel Swim Medicals can enhance your surgery services in several ways:
1. It can help improve patient outcomes and satisfaction by providing a comprehensive health check that ensures the swimmer is fit and ready for the challenge.
2. It can help promote safety in open water swimming by helping to avoid severe illness or death. The medical examination provides an opportunity to deliver individual advice and plan if needed, for example, if the swimmer has a disability.
3. It can provide an additional revenue stream for the surgery. The service is not generally offered as part of their NHS responsibilities and is usually paid for by the patient.
The typical fees doctors charge for a Channel Swim Medical Certificate can vary between £75 and £200 with additional fees for diagnostics such as ECG, X-ray if deemed necessary.
If you choose to offer a Channel Swim Medical Certificate service from their surgery, they should be prepared to conduct the following examinations and tests:
General Examination
- Measure the patient's height and weight.
Ear Examination
- Check the left and right eardrums and canals for any infections or conditions.
Sinuses, Nose, and Throat Examination
- Check the sinuses for any signs of infection or blockage.
- Examine the nose for any obstructions or conditions.
- Inspect the throat for any issues that could affect breathing or swallowing.
- Chest and Respiratory System Examination
If there is a history of chest disease, consider requiring a chest X-ray.
If an X-ray is necessary, you can provide an onward referral for the patient through Odycy.
Cardiovascular System Examination
- Measure the patient's blood pressure.
- If any relevant abnormalities are found during the cardiovascular system examination, consider requiring an Electrocardiogram (ECG).
- If an ECG is required, you can provide an onward referral for the patient through Odycy.
Urine Analysis
- Conduct a urine dipstick test to check for albumin and glucose levels.
Joints and Limbs Examination
- Assess the physical condition of joints and limbs.
Nervous System Examination
- Evaluate the nervous system to ensure no neurological conditions could impair the swimmer's ability to undertake the swim.
Further notes of interest
- If you doubt a participant's fitness, the Association's Medical Adviser will be able to discuss any queries. They can be contacted through the Swim secretary at
- Be aware of the deadlines for submitting the medical forms (April 1st for relay teams and April 30th for solo swimmers).
What the patient needs to bring on the day of their medical:
- Channel Swim medical form
- Photo identification
- Information about any current health conditions
- Any prescription drugs you are currently using
The channel swim medical form can be downloaded here.
Odycy can significantly enhance your surgery services by providing a marketing platform for offering Channel Swim Medicals. As a Provider on the Odycy system that offers the Channel Swim Medical Certificate, prospective patients will be able to find your practice when conducting a postcode search from this page.
Odycy is featured on the official Channel Swimming Association website under medicals so their participants can quickly and easily launch a search for Odycy Listed Providers that offer Channel Swim Medicals.
We offer Odycy Providers support when setting up new services such as this which includes supplying service descriptions to make the process as simple as possible.
As a referrer, you can provide onward referrals if an X-ray or an ECG is recommended as a result of the examination. This can save time and help patients access more affordable healthcare on their own terms.
With Odycy e-referrals, patients can choose fast access to the most affordable healthcare where and when they need it at a provider of their choice. Doctors can sign up to become a referrer onto Odycy here:
The Channel Swim Medical Certificate is a unique service that a doctor's surgery can offer to enhance its services, improve patient outcomes, and provide an additional revenue stream. The certificate involves a comprehensive health examination to ensure that a swimmer is fit to undertake the challenge of swimming the English Channel. Odycy can play a significant role in this process by providing a marketing platform for the service and facilitating referrals for additional tests.
Please note that while every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided to create a Channel Swim Medical Certificate Service, requirements do change and interpretation of these requirements may differ. Please always ensure that the most up to date medical form is used.
Explore Odycy's health and wellness blog with confidence. Our content is reviewed and updated regularly by registered Medical Doctors with subject expertise. Odycy aims to provide you with a reliable and trustworthy source of information to help you take control of your health journey. Odycy's content is written for educational purposes and does not substitute professional medical advice. You can read about Our Editors and learn more about our Editorial Guidelines. Our Chief Medical Editor is Dr. Nicholas Bush MBBS BSc (Hons).
A Channel Swim Medical Certificate is a comprehensive health examination required for individuals who wish to participate in a Channel Swim. It involves a series of tests and examinations to ensure the swimmer is physically and mentally fit to swim the English Channel.
The Channel Swim Medical Certificate is necessary to ensure the safety and well-being of the swimmer. Swimming the English Channel is a physically demanding task requiring a high fitness level. The medical examination helps identify potential health issues that could pose a risk during the swim.
The Channel Swim Medical Certificate includes a general examination, ear examination, sinuses, nose, and throat examination, chest and respiratory system examination, cardiovascular system examination, urine analysis, joints and limbs examination, and a nervous system examination. Based on the findings, additional tests like an Electrocardiogram (ECG) or X-ray may be required.
Odycy can enhance your surgery services by providing a marketing platform for offering Channel Swim Medicals. As a referrer, Odycy can also facilitate onward referrals if an X-ray or an ECG is recommended as a result of the examination. This can save time and help patients access more affordable healthcare on their terms.
As a doctor, you can stay updated on the requirements for the Channel Swim Medical Certificate by regularly checking the Channel Swimming Association's website or contacting them directly. It's crucial to be aware of any changes in medical research, swimming regulations, or updates from the Association to ensure the examinations you conduct are up-to-date and comprehensive. It is important that you are using the latest medical form when carrying out the medical examination of Channel Swim participants.
Support and resources in the UK, including England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland, here are some key networks, charities, and organizations: